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Today is Saturday, September 07, 2024 -


This is WorkCompCentral's Permanent Disability Rating Calculator based on the Per­ma­nent Disability Rating Schedule effective 1/01/2005. It assumes the physician has provided a Whole Body Impairment Rating pursuant to the AMA Guides 5th Ed. Multiple disabilities can be added after calculating the first disability.


This calculator accommodates the return to work incentive of +/− 15%. Depending on the data entered the results displayed will be either an increase or decrease in the week­ly PD indemnity payment, and totals.

Senate Bill No. 863

This calculator also accommodates the changes required by SB 863 for injuries occuring on or after January 1, 2013. You may also use the PDRS SB 863 calculator for injuries occuring on or after that date.

  • %   ← Enter GAF: (converted as you type)
  • %
  • $
  • $
List of saved ratings: 
Add rating to list for Multiple/Combined Disability
  • Results:

  • $
  • $
  • $
  • Return To Work Adjustments with 15% increase on remaining indemnity

  • $
  • $
  • $


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