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Today is Saturday, September 07, 2024 -


Kelly Sieckman
(858) 200-2299
1550 Hotel Circle North Suite 200
San Diego

About Kelly Sieckman

Ms. Sieckman is a seasoned litigator and has exclusively practiced Workers’ Compensation matters, including matters that have resulted in the prosecution for insurance fraud while working closely with the District Attorney. Ms. Sieckman also litigated a successful Writ with the 4th District of the Court of Appeals where the Appellate Court found that a fireman/claimant exhausted the Statute of Limitations when filing a cancer claim. Ms. Sieckman has been litigating workers’ compensation cases for over 20 years, and has an impressive record of Take Nothings.

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  • Sep 17-18, 2024

    Business Insurance DEI Leaders

    Transforming the Insurance Industry: DEI in Today’s World The goal of this year’s Business Insura …

  • Sep 18, 2024

    INTERCARE JOB FAIR - Come grow

    Don’t miss the chance to attend our job fair, where you can meet with our management team, sociali …

  • Sep 23-26, 2024

    IAIABC 110th Convention

    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

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c/o Business Insurance Holdings, Inc.
PO Box 1010
Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333